The two women in this shoot were hypnotized very easily and reacted very well to being hypnotized. But personally, I didn't find either of them to be very attractive. They're definitely hot, but not my cup of tea. I decided to watch this even though I wasn't crazy about how they looked in the pictures, but I am still glad I was able to watch it since they are great subjects for hypnosis. I would say it's worth purchasing if you like the preview pictures.
2023-08-15Nice if you Think the Models are Sexy
The two women in this shoot were hypnotized very easily and reacted very well to being hypnotized. But personally, I didn't find either of them to be very attractive. They're definitely hot, but not my cup of tea. I decided to watch this even though I wasn't crazy about how they looked in the pictures, but I am still glad I was able to watch it since they are great subjects for hypnosis. I would say it's worth purchasing if you like the preview pictures.